Saturday, February 12, 2011

What are the new enhancements in SharePoint Foundation?

Thought about making some order with all the new stuff we have in SharePoint 2010. I will mention in this post my top 10 enhancements:
  • Service application architecture - Now you can share resources across web application and farms. You probably remember the SSP (R.I.P) that couldn't be shared across farms - now you can share those kind of resources among several farms.
  • PowerShell - Goodbye Stsadm, Hello PowerShell. An easier way to write administrative scripts.
  • SandBox solutions - an option to deploy solution in sitecollection scope (and not WebApplication scope). Let alone that you have much more control of the resources this solution will consume.
  • New events for sites,lists and workflows - more new events we can hook up into (list creation - finally)
  • REST-based access to SharePoint list items - no more using the regular web services sharepoint expose for us. Now we can get from wherever we want data from lists using the REST-based webservices.
  • Client side programing - Good stuff comes in threes. Calling SharePoint object remotely via .net, silverlight and javascript.
  • Claim based security - external identity management. Like facaebook which enables you to authenticate to other websites with your facebook credentials, now you can implement the same in SharePoint.
  • BCS/External lists - Connecting legacy systems into SharePoint lists. make it transparent to the user interface.
  • Linq queries - now it's part of SharePoint 2010. Easier than ever.
  • Controlling query execution - prohibiting large,inefficient queries during pick hours or by any other rule you create.

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