Last month Microsoft released SP1 for SharePoint 2010, with that we got new capabilities to the API and to the platform.
So What's new ?
A lot to do with Recycle Bin stuff. Such as under SPWeb class we have new method called - "Recycle" which sends our web object to the recycle bin...
New classes such as : SPDeletedSite,SPDeletedSiteCollection,SPDeletedSiteQuery and more - so starting now we can work with deleted sites with out restoring them. Those classes represent deleted sites!
Shallow Copy : cutting short - the time it takes to copy blob of data from one content db to another.
StorMan.aspx : I think it was in Moss, not sure why it was taken off, guess due to performance issues. Now it's back, give you a better view stats-wise about your site.
Content DB limitation AKA SuperSize me :) : The most important thing for me. Now you don't have to panic when your content db reach the 200GB, now it's maximized for 1TB.
Good luck to all of us and happy upgrading!