Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Failed to upgrade SharePoint Products and Technologies - PostSetupConfigurationTaskException


A really annoying exception I had while trying to upgrade one of my Moss farms Im working on. The thing is, that I haven't experienced this error in any of the other farms I upgraded before.

What's happened ? I installed the sp2 successfully. Then ran the Configuration Wizard, and In the step 3 out of 4 got this very odd exception :

Failed to upgrade SharePoint Products and Technologies. An exception of type Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.PostSetupConfigurationTaskException was thrown.

As you can see it doesn't give you too much of a details. I started to google this issue and came across with a post about this exception.
In that post, it was suggested to stop the World Wide Publishing service of the IIS and to stop all the Sharepoint services you have working on that server ( i.e "Windows SharePoint Services Web Application" and etc ). And only then run the configuration wizard, and then restart the services.

In the first server, I did it this way and it worked like a charm.
On the rest of the servers, I checked it and decided to stop only the "Windows SharePoint Services Web Application" and not any of the IIS services or other Sharepoint services - Because of the long recovery time it took. That worked too. )

So my recommendation to you is just to stop the
" Windows SharePoint Services Web Application"
service. and save yourself the time of stopping all the other services which seems to be unnecessary to be stopped.

Be aware, when you stop that service, all web applications you had on that server ( That you can see in the iis manager ) will be gone, but once you start the service again, it will automatically re-create them and it might take a while depends on how many web applications you have - Though, you should check that they were created well, especially if you don't deploy your solution as MS recommends.

Good Luck upgrading.

Sharepoint בעיה נפוצה בעת התקנת עדכון לחוות


.sharepoint לאחרונה נתקלתי בשגיאה שעיכבה לי הפצה של עדכון לחוות

.למעשה, לא נתקלתי בסוגיה הנ"ל ברוב המקומות בהם הפצתי את העדכון , אלא רק במקום אחד

בעת הפצת עדכון לאחת הסביבות אצל הלקוח שלנו, בשלב הרצת האשף קיבלנו שגיאה בשלב השלישי

השגיאה הייתה -

Failed to upgrade SharePoint Products and Technologies. An exception of type Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.PostSetupConfigurationTaskException was thrown.

השגיאה למעשה לא ברורה ולא נותנת יותר מדי כיווני חקירה.

.הפתרון העוקף היה פשוט לעצור את אחד השירותים של השרת עצמו - שיוביל הפסקת אירוח האתרים עליו
Windows SharePoint Services Web Application גשו לאתר הניהול המרכזית והפסיקו את השירות שרץ על השרת.

לאחר מכן הריצו את האשף, ובסיומו הפעלת השירות מחדש, וכלל האתרים יחזרו להתארח על השרת הנ"ל.

.IIS אני בודק עכשיו אם אפשר להתמודד עם זה רק ע"י עצירת השירות של ה


Monday, March 8, 2010

How to uncheck the overwrite check box in Upload.aspx page ?


Very common issue, that I was also asked to do over clients in past version of Sharepoint too.

Well, by default when you create a Doclib , in the upload.aspx page the "overwrite" checkbox is checked. The outcome is that people overwrites files by accident.

So how you uncheck this checkbox on all your doclibs ? Change it in the templates.

This is how -

in Wss 2.0 , go your sharepoint hive, under the TEMPLATE folder ( TEMPLATE\1033\SPSTOC\LISTS\DOCLIB ) - backup the Schema.xml file and change the follwing lines :

change the value to FALSE.

And then scroll a bit down and track down this line -

and delete the word CHECKED.

Now save the file, do an iisreset - and the upload.aspx page is done.

in Wss 3.0, it's even simplier because all of those pages are application pages.

Just go to the sharepoint hive ( 12\template\layouts ) , backup and open the upload.aspx file.
Track down this line -


and just change the "Checked" attribue to "false".

BE AWARE - on every hotfix/service pack you need to check that the file hasnt change. If it did, remember to fix it again.
