Saturday, October 31, 2009

Moss on Windows server 2008 R2

In the last few weeks I have started to sense over my clients the desire of upgrading windows servers from 2003 to 2008.

So if you are about to this move for your Moss WFE server, you better check this link -

Good luck.

Friday, October 9, 2009

How to check if list is a document library ? Let's Linq it !

Sometimes you need to iterate via the Doclibs of a site for a dedicated reason, and there is no need to iterate via the "regular" lists of the site.

Of course it's very easy so you usually just run something like that -

SPWeb web = site.Openweb();
SPListCollection listCol = web.lists;
foreach(SPList list in listCol )
//Do your thing

So in order to be more efficient, run only in doclibs, and not on all lists that you have in your website ( including hidden ones ).

How you do that ? very simple.

SPWeb web = site.Openweb();
SPListCollection listCol = web.lists;
foreach(SPList list in listCol )
if(list.BaseType == SPBaseType.DocumentLibrary)
//Do your thing

And to make it even nicer, lets just LINQ it -
var docLibs = from SPList list in web.Lists where (list.BaseType == SPBaseType.DocumentLibrary) select list;
foreach (SPList doclib in docLibs)
//do your thing

Hope it helps.